Goal 1: Support high expectations for academic performance and expand opportunities for every student.
Objective: Stafford County Public Schools will close performance gaps between reporting categories, improving performance for every student.
- Target 1: Using CFA data, 80% of students will meet the benchmark in their academic and elective courses.
- Target 2: Closing the performance gap by at least 10% between sub-groups (ELL’s, SWD, Blacks, Hispanic) using MAP Growth Data.
Goal 2: Ensure every student, staff, and family member receives a safe, engaging, and welcoming environment in our schools.
Objective: Ensure all students and staff are physically, mentally, and emotionally safe in their learning and working environments.
- Target 1: To increase the feeling of belongingness and safety of staff and students as measured from quarterly HHP 2023-2024 Climate surveys.
- Target 2: To foster a welcoming and engaging learning environment for all learners as measured by quarterly HHP Climate 2023-2024 surveys.